Type Input Description Icon
Movement Left Mouse Button This allows the character to move around. Hold down the left mouse button to move in the direction of the cursor. TutShiftNotPressedTutMouseLeft
Selecting Elementss A, S, D, F, Q, W, E, and R This allows you to select a combination of elements to cast your wanted spell.
Casting Right Mouse Button Casting performs your selected spell. Projectile spells can be charged up by holding down for a stronger spell. TutShiftNotPressedTutMouseRight
Area of Effect Cast Shift + Right Mouse Button Pressing this button combination will result in using an area of effect attack. Your current spell will be sent all around you. TutShiftPressedTutMouseRight
Selecting Magicks Mouse wheel (Scroll) This allows you to select the Magick you want to use. Scroll the wheel to your wanted Magick and put in the correct spell combination in the correct order.

It is not necessary to select a Magick to use one. If you know the combination, you can put it in and cast it without selecting the Magick first.

Casting Magicks Spacebar This is the key necessary to cast Magicks. It will only work if you've successfully put in a correct element combination and if you have unlocked the Magick.
Self-Cast Mouse Wheel (Press) This key allows you to cast a selected spell on yourself. Necessary for removing harmful status effects or healing yourself or your personal shield. TutShiftNotPressedTutMouseMiddle
Physical Attacks Shift + Left Mouse Button Pressing the left mouse button will perform an attack with your physical weapon. Holding down lets the M60 fire constantly. (If you have elements in your spellbar you will Imbue your Weapon). TutShiftPressedTutMouseLeft

See Also
