
The Limited Edition DLC, otherwise known as the "Magicka Bathrobe DLC", was a special promotion made in conjunction with sinn d'signed that was available between March and April 2011. Players who pre-purchased the real-life "Magicka Bathrobe" robe would receive a code for their game which unlocked the extra wizard model. The real-life robe cost $85.00 USD, was a replica of the default wizard model robe right down to the stitching, and came in four colors: Red, green, blue, and yellow.

All bathrobe orders will come with magickal Limited Edition DLC. This pack contains a wizard who's now, just like you, dressed in a very comfortable bathrobe. It's not practical in terms of survival but it makes you feel cozy. The bathrobe comes equipped with the wizards typical items of choice for a morning stroll:

Codes will be shipped with your order.

Unfortunately, this DLC no longer seems to be available. However, more information about the DLC can be found at an archived copy of the creator's product site:

Content summary[ | ]

  • Play as a wizard in a literal bathrobe complete with shower cap!
  • "The Aldrheim Prophet" deals low physical damage, but has the ability to knock enemies back.
  • One sip of the Strong Cup of Coffee and you'll be ready to start your day. It increases speed and regenerates your health for 3 seconds.

Accessing the content[ | ]

To do.

Reception[ | ]

To do.

Trivia[ | ]

To do.